Sunday, March 21, 2010

So in case you didn't know I'm in Haiti!

ok. So I know I haven't updated since i've been in Haiti. That's due to the sheer busyness we have been and the lack of internet. When I arrived in Haiti the plane drops you off and you have to get on a  bus and you have to ride over to another building which is more like a warehouse. Now... haiti is not air conditioned. It was hot! So while we rode over the tarmac we passed the Canadian Army plane here and you can see the things that governments have brought in... then you go through the customs and get your luggage which is a pure miracle that you even get your luggage. So you head out and theres people everywhere trying to help you take your stuff to your car and all these groups are there waiting on people to pick them up... I had to wait a lil bit for Adventures in Missions then they came and it was like a whirlwind....We drove to our house and let me tell ya... Haiti traffic is SCARY!!! Our vehicles have been in about 5 different wrecks... not major ones but bump ups. Luckily I've not been in any of them when it happened.
    We were first at a Pastor's house in what you would consider the country of Port-au-Prince. He was so nice!  He spoke no english but his wife spoke a little. When i got there there was a group from Penn State there and they were leaving the next day. I didn't set my tent up because once its night time you don't have power. So I shared a tent with the other girl on staff. I was so tired I slept till like 9 am. It was about 96 degrees when I woke up. We hung out and took it easy that day since the group was leaving and set up our tents on the unfinished second story of the house which is the roof with walls... I put my tent up and slept in it. Let's just say my lil pink tent is rather small for me and all my stuff! Plus with sleeping on a thermarest and concrete my back was KILLING me the next morning. Luckily there was a bedroom open so me and one of the other staff girls moved into it and slept there. I skipped church that first Sunday just trying to get used to my new surroundings..The night before we went to the grocery store which is a strange experience with armed guards with shot guns at the gates... We bought some Haitian ice cream which tasted good since cold things are hard to come by here...

I will update you more later... i'm trying to catch you up on the last week but I need to unpack my things here at our new house... Just to make you jealous sitting on my balcony I overlook the ocean and in the distance have mountains as well! I will have to take a picture and share with you!!!!

Grace & Peace,

db now in the HAITI!

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